Welcome to FASM The Finnish-American Society of the Midwest, a Finlandia Foundation Chapter.
The society provides a forum for sharing Finnish and Finnish-American history, culture; encouraging strong ties between the countries and hosting cultural events throughout the year in the Chicago area.
The society is a 501(C) 3 non-profit organization. All are welcome as members. See the membership section for more information.
There are numerous cultural events planned throughout the year, see the calendar for details.
FASM is governed by a Board of Directors. Officers and Directors as of September 2024 Annual Meeting for 2024-2025. Congratulations to the new Officers and Directors!
Contact us at: fasmevent@gmail.com or info@fasm.us
President - Mary Wurzer
Vice President - John Berg
Secretary - Julie Badel
Treasurer - Steve Koivula
Membership Secretary - Arto Saarinen
Merchandise Chair - Shari Johnson
Other Directors:
Cindy Berg
Kettil Cedercreutz
Oscar Forsman
Charles/Clay Haapala
Dan Maki
Liisa McMahon
Terhi Tuominen
Fred Wagner
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